HOW SMALL WE ARE! by Cornelius R. Stam Printer Friendly Version Just behind me, in the supermarket check-out line, were two little boys. I noticed that the older one kept looking up at me and then down at his brother again several times in succession. Finally, nudging his little brother and pointing up at me, he said: "Hey, Joey, look how little you are!" Those who have seen me in the flesh know that I am not exactly small, physically, and I can easily imagine that, standing next to these little fellows, I made them look small indeed! But all this pertained only to the physical, and as I left that supermarket, I began asking myself: "How big are you, actually, in the sight of God?" I thought of Psalm 8:3,4, where David mused over the same question: "When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man that Thou art mindful of Him...?" Yet we are so important to the heart of God that He entered ...